(that give back!)
DECEMBER 19, 2020
All year we have dreamt of hosting a cozy event where friends gathered to drink hot cocoa and learned to make festive arrangements together while listening to happy tunes of the season. But, we want you all to stay healthy, so we came up with an idea: we will host a virtual event to help you bring some cheer into your home and help someone else by donating all proceeds!
We are offering custom arrangements that you can purchase pre-made OR you can pick up your materials, and then tune into a virtual class where we will teach you how to assemble your arrangement LIVE!
See the two floral design options, learn about who we are donating our proceeds to, and how to register below.
Please submit your order and register by December 13th.
One-of-a-kind floral arrangement featuring bright blooms to bring some sunshine to someone you love! All bouquets will arrive in a Vintage English Teacup.
Delivery: Free porch pickup or $5 no-contact delivery

One-of-a-kind floral arrangement featuring textural, organic materials to bring nature inside this winter season! Dried fruit, cinnamon scented pine-cones, and winter greens.
Kit & Virtual Class Option
Kit pickup on Friday, Dec. 18th from 3-6PM OR Saturday, Dec. 19th from 9-12PM (Class details below)
Pre-made Option
Pickup on Sunday, December 20th from 3-5PM
Each arrangement comes with the white container pictured. We always strive to retain overall palette and personality of our arrangements, but color and type of flower may vary due to supply chain availability in both the pre-made and kits!
Pasko means "Christmas" in Tagalog (Philippines)
We hold our family dear (this is a family business, after all!) and this year we are receiving an extra special Christmas gift! Dawn's daughter, Erin, is moving back to Des Moines after seven years living and serving in missions in Southeast Asia.
Erin serves as a missionary volunteer for a non-profit organization called TeachBeyond, that provides education and works to meet the needs of individuals around the world - promoting their dignity and showing them the love of Christ. She will continue to serve projects globally at the US headquarters, as a self-supported missionary.
We are so excited to welcome our niece and daughter home, and to help her with costs of moving through donating all proceeds from this special event. (Learn more here.)

Date: December 19, 2020
Time: 2-3PM
The class link will be sent via email, once you've registered and paid.
You can pick up your kit, which includes a container and floral pieces, and then join us online! We will be demonstrating "Pasko" during our virtual class.
Materials needed: garden shears (scissors work, too), water, an apron, an internet capable device to join the class, and Christmas spirit!

A cheerful mix of white and red blooms mixed with classic winter greens to showcase classic Christmas style! Featuring festive accents of pine cones and berries you'll be feeling merry and bright!
Pre-made Option Only
Pickup on Sunday, December 20th from 3-5PM
Each arrangement comes with the white container pictured. We always strive to retain overall palette and personality of our arrangements, but color and type of flower may vary due to supply chain availability in both the pre-made and kits!
Natal means "Christmas" in Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesia)